Friday 12 March 2010

Hello there Original Story Boards

This is pretty self explanatory - Our story Boards! Good times.

Thursday 4 March 2010


We have FINALLY finished!!!!!!

I believe it looks amazing, it was really stressfull - but i think it brought us a hell of a lot closer. We had to learn to trust and rely on each other for support throughout this experience.

It was pretty tough coming to the end, as after we unfortunetely missed the deadline, we were only able to edit in the work-shop times, meaning, Wednesdays - 9am-11am and Thursdays - 12.45pm-2.30pm!

I missed a few of my other lessons to try and get some editing done in these times, but i couldn't miss anymore, so good old Armanee and Nads came in and threw on the finishing touches! We're all unbelievely proud of the finished product... we finally went with the non diagetic music of Rihanna's song called G41.

Thumbs Up to our group!

I will never again have to say - Lets Render That Bad Boy!

Show and Tell:

This was by far one of the most embarrassing class i have ever been in, my group and i were cringing all the way through. We all had to go round and watch each others products and fill out a little evaluation on it. We saw all of these amazing shows, then when we got to ours, we noticed that the wrong show had been opened.

Our teacher couldn't open our most recent product... as a result, everyone viewed this pathetic-looking, unrendered product by us, and we felt so silly... at the end of the class we found and opened the most recent and decent one... but it was too late.