Wednesday 18 November 2009

Ratings (15)

Ratings are there for a reason:

They clarify and categorize products like DVD's which are supplied to the public, to place boundaries for the viewer; you wouldn't expect to watch something like the movie -"Chopper" (which is full of violence and offensive language) with your 8 year old sibling or child. It just wouldn't seem right.

In the short movie opening that my group and I are creating, we've established that the rating will be a (15). Therefore, i have done research into finding out just what a 15 rating movies contain:

Firstly, anyone under 15 cannot watch it, as it will contain inappropriated material. This may include scenes containing sex, drugs or violence - even the language used may be too graphic for a younger teenager to see. It is illegal to sell any DVD's or Video Games to under 15's also.

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