Friday 18 December 2009


There is a girl called Lauren, she is one of those girls who is every boys desire and every girls envy. She is brutally murdered by someone - yet no one knows who could have done this.

This is the main story line of the movie.

The opening scene of the movie shows a teenage girl in an Interview Room, getting questioned about the sudden murder of her rival Lauren. The opening dialogue of the movie consists of a man's voice (the police officer) asking, "So, what was Miss Ralph like then?" The girl answers by cruelly stating that Lauren was "a bitch" and "anyone could have done it".
A subliminal two second still shot of Lauren's bruised legs lying in a pool of blood is flashed onto the screen. Its genuinely quite vivid, but knowing that this will be rated a 15 - i understand the boundaries. We see her fish-net ripped tights and high healed shoes (one still on her foot, and the other beside her.

This continues to happen, these short and disturbing shots of Lauren's beaten body within the interview shots - from her legs right up to her face. The second person shown being interviewed is Karl - Lauren's childhood admirer, he is in tears, he looks sick with pain. Now instead of showing Lauren's body, we see a shot of a Camera, and someones hands holding it (in black leaver gloves (stereotype)). Maybe there could be a flash, as if a photo is actually being taken, then we skip back to the interview room.

Lauren's ex boyfriend is the third teenager we see being interviewed - he just states that even though she "wasn't...nice, she didn't deserve this." His scene is followed by Lauren's mangled and mistreated torso, her tight top is ripped, revealing her bra and her stomach. Lauren's best friend is the fourth person being interviewed, she has a photograph of the two of them in her hand (this can be seen as ambiguous and ironic, as Lauren was killed in the Dark Room, where photo's are developed). She could say, "She only ever trusted me... and I've let her down, look at her, she was who everyone wanted to be."

We then see Lauren's face, bruised and slashed - her hair matted in her blood on her floor, her beautiful eyes closed - forever closed.

The boy who was crying at the start is now shown again, but only his eyes, they are full of tears - his shockingly blue eyes are harsh looking, yet the tears soften them. Next, we see the infamous interrogator - it is Officer Joel, he is standing up (proving authority) - says, "Whoever has done this was obviously seeking revenge, boy or girl, we don't know yet - but we do know something - they wanted her, they wanted her dead!"

There is then a shot of the dark room, with developing photo's of Lauren, it is evident that Lauren doesn't know that these photo's are being taken, photo's like Lauren, eating in the canteen, hugging her friends, working in class, going shopping, etc. Her ex boyfriend is then seen again, "how could they do this? They're sick man, they must have been crazy." There is finally a shot of her full tortured body lying on the Dark Room floor.

Karl's mouth is seen, his lips are chapped and trembling, "I was in love with her." He then repeats, "how could someone do this?" his obvious affection proves his innocence. The final scene is the Dark Room door, and someone exiting it, this person is blurred, and in all black, we're unable to see if they are male or female, they're wearing a hood (again another stereotype). Once they are fully out of the scene the blank Dark Room door will be cross faded, and there will appear a police (crime) sign on it. Non diagetic sirens can be heard.

Suddenly, visible editing comes apparent when the screen fades into black, and then when it appears again, there is a close up of a television and there is a live broadcast about the murder - Officer Joel is being interviewed (whilst this is happening, it becomes evident that a tevevision is being watched as it subtley zooms out from an ECU of the television screen to a MCU) showing that the t.v is being watched in what looks like the Common Room of the college. Whispers are all that can be heard. One by one, we see the students shocked faces, some genuinely upset, most secretly thinking, she deserved something, but not this - not death.

Then there is an annoucement on the speakers - ALL STUDENTS MUST GO TO THE THEATRE ROOM IMMEDIATELY. Students are pannicking, not knowing what to expect. We see the puzzled and shifty faces of the pupils in question.

Then, we're in the theatre room, there is a shot of all the students faces, there is whispering, muffled rumours, malicious smirks and gasps of horror and shock to hear about the way the story had changed since last break time.

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