Friday 12 March 2010

Hello there Original Story Boards

This is pretty self explanatory - Our story Boards! Good times.

Thursday 4 March 2010


We have FINALLY finished!!!!!!

I believe it looks amazing, it was really stressfull - but i think it brought us a hell of a lot closer. We had to learn to trust and rely on each other for support throughout this experience.

It was pretty tough coming to the end, as after we unfortunetely missed the deadline, we were only able to edit in the work-shop times, meaning, Wednesdays - 9am-11am and Thursdays - 12.45pm-2.30pm!

I missed a few of my other lessons to try and get some editing done in these times, but i couldn't miss anymore, so good old Armanee and Nads came in and threw on the finishing touches! We're all unbelievely proud of the finished product... we finally went with the non diagetic music of Rihanna's song called G41.

Thumbs Up to our group!

I will never again have to say - Lets Render That Bad Boy!

Show and Tell:

This was by far one of the most embarrassing class i have ever been in, my group and i were cringing all the way through. We all had to go round and watch each others products and fill out a little evaluation on it. We saw all of these amazing shows, then when we got to ours, we noticed that the wrong show had been opened.

Our teacher couldn't open our most recent product... as a result, everyone viewed this pathetic-looking, unrendered product by us, and we felt so silly... at the end of the class we found and opened the most recent and decent one... but it was too late.

Friday 26 February 2010

Today was the due day...

... and unfortunately we had to make the decision of handed in an unfinished product, or try and make it the best as we possibly can and accepting that a few points will be deducted if we hand it in late - we went for the latter of the two options.

We simply need to add the soundtrack and throw in a few effects - that can't take too long can it?

We'll keep you updated. =)

Editing - our journey...


We used a programme called Final Cut Pro.
it was incredibly hard to understand, to technical for had two computer screens per computer. After Paula taught us some basics, we understood it a lot better. The first thing that we edited were Star Wars clips, which was AMAZING - as i LOVE Star Wars! We had to make a trailer. I believed our final Star Wars trailor was actually brilliant!

For editing our opening scene, we had to insert the tapes into a machine at the side of the computer, which was where the microphones were plugged into too. And watch it on the TV screne, then we had to capture the shots we wanted to use for editing, then edit those.

We had to render everything shot by shot, effect by effect etc, when pasting our videos on the timeline. So i come up with a little saying, as the rendering was genuinely rather frustrating, which the girls loved 'Lets Render This Bad Boy'.

Friday 19 February 2010


Well, we've finally recorded everything... Have we eddited everything perfectly? The unfortunate answer to that is "no"... However, in our defence problems occured throughout this Media Journey.

However, i've been doing some thinking about song choices for the background noise... and after doing some research on Thriller opening scenes and non diagetic music, i thought about songs by Muse, as they have that eerie feel, "Plug in Baby - by Muse" or even, songs by "Korn" like, "Freak on a leash". The instrumental version of songs like these would fit the whole Thriller genre.

Also, Armannee has brought to my attention that "Russian Roulette" by "Rihanna" may be a good choice of song... however, my computer wont allow me to download any of these songs (so there's yet another misshap in our development)


Another Update:
Well, still keeping on the subject of music, i finally decided that Muse - Plug in Baby would match and have the right feel for our thriller. However, the computers we use for editing will not allow my MP3player to send it any files... i'm not sure why, but it's quite frustrating to deal with.


I think the final decision is to put Muse - Time is running out as the non diagetic sound, the other Muse song was too heavy... it wasn't as smooth as i invisioned.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Updated Update - filming and cast

Right, so now we finally have shot everything, yes, i understand the deadline we were given is tomorrow - however, things didn't go quite as smoothly as planned (as explained in "Update! on filming)

I had to come in at 7.30am today with my mate to shoot the last crucial scenes! Unfortunately, my other group members were unable to make it in, yet my mate and I managed to cope. I definitely underestimated how stressful and time consuming Media Studies would be - but, now i genuinely understand that, time management is a HUGE part of media.

I had to line the floors with bin bags, which, yes looks low budget (at the extreme). But i'd rather that, than to get kicked out of college - no matter how dedicated i am.

We had to change around the cast at the last minute also, this was yet another obstacle we had to climb over in order to get the finished product.

Armannee's sister played - Samantha
Charlotte (from media) played - Kimberly
J.T (also from our media class) played - Duncan
Matt played (his original part) as - Officer Joel
Karlos played (his original part) as - Karl
finally...... I (reluctantly) played the character of - Lauren Ralph

Friday 22 January 2010

Update! on filming and editing

We should be filming today in our lesson time... fingers crossed.
We have the story board, the cast and the script - and i remembered the tapes - so all should run smoothly.


After filming - we sucessfully filmed all interview scenes, however, we had limmited resouces, as we didn't have a tripod, which was pretty essential - hopefully, it looks as professional as possible.


Shooting the "Lauren's dead" scenes were the hardest, we struck a fair few problems, such as the first attempt of filming were a... disaster! We used tomato ketchup for blood, but due to the fact that our college floors are carpetted, couldn't find any floor surface that we could clear the mess from.

We finnally thought the bathroom would be the only possible place we could film... yet our idea soon came to a sudden and dramatic hault when one of the high members of staff came down on us like a tonne of heavey bricks!

Monday 18 January 2010


Lauren - To wear leggings that are ripped and have slits all over them, in a variety of places. A patterened bra that will show through her ripped up top which will be in a similar state to her leggings. Hopefully her slit lothes will emphasise her bruises and the torturer that karl put her through.

Karl - To wear a shirt, preferably blue or creme shirt, (maybe with a bowtie or tie) with trousers and some big thick glasses. To pull of the 'geeky' look.

Kimberly - Dress in Jeans and a Standard Top.

Samantha - Dress in Jeans and a Standard Top.

Duncan - Dress in Jeans a and a Hooded Top.

Officer Joel - Just a voice

Cast List:

Lauren will be played by the beautiful Alisha
Karl will be played by the handsome Karl
Kimberly will most likely have to be played by me.
Officer Joels voice will be the amazing voice of Matthew
Duncan will be played by the legendary J.T
Last but not Least Samantha will be played Armanee's gorgeous sister most likely have to be played by me.

Thursday 14 January 2010

The overview of the Script!!!!

Officer Joel: So... How would you describe your relationship with Miss... Lauren Ralph? I understand that the two of you didn't really ever see eye to eye.

Samantha: Ye, your right - we didn't - she was awful!... But... I couldn't have done this.

Karl: (looks down, he looks weak with pain, dazed in disbelief)

Duncan: It's true, not many people liked her, she didn't have many true friends, but she really didn't deserve this.

Kimberly: Look at her, look how beautiful she is...i mean... was... She had everything - everything.

Karl: Who could have done this?

Officer Joel: I've deduced that whoever did do this was pure evil. In this college, Miss Ralph wasn't exactly one of the most favoured students amongst her peers. Whoever killed young Lauren must have genuinely despised her... A lot of planning went into this, so it seems... For some unknown reason, they really wanted her dead.

Kimberly: I can't believe she's gone.

Karl: I was in love with her... I always have been... and i always will be.

Friday 8 January 2010

Subgenres of Thrillers

Conspiracy thriller is a sub-genre with a secret. Usually the hero becomes a threat to the conspirators, and must escape their response. An example is the novel 'The Chancellor Manuscript.'

Ecothriller tales, involve some threat to the environment, either globally or locally. The Green Rain is an example.

Historical Thriller
Thrillers set in the past, usually combined with other subgenres. This particular subgenre is rather uncommon.

Legal thriller often includes legal figures like lawyers who put their lives at stake in order to solve the mystery. It mostly takes place around the courthouse/room. An example is 'The Firm'.

Medical thriller often involves medical people such as doctors. They have their own lives at risk again, either by a mysterious disease being broken out, or their life is threatened by a patient etc. An example is 'Death on Call'.

Disaster Thriller
Any kind of disaster that can affect lots of people--a dam bursting, a tornado, earthquake etc.

Psychological thriller build up slowly until the action/violence takes place later on. It normally is on emotional or mental conflict between the characters. The conflicts may not even be possible in real life. For example 'The ring' is not something that would happen.

Serial Killer Thriller
Really popular subgenre of thriller. In this subgenre, a serial killer is terrorizing a group of people with horrific violence. The detective's goal is to stop the killer before he takes his next victim.

Religious thrillers usually have an artifact or historic secret that centres up the plot.
'The DaVinci Code' is an example of this.

Action thrillers usually involve violence, aggression etc. It includes weapons and guns, explosions etc. An example would be 'The Bourne Identity' & its following films.

Techno Thriller
In techno-thrillers, the technology drives the plot, like some military technology.

Where and When???

Hopefully, from next week Monday (18th January 2010), we can start filming. In our lesson time would be the easiest time to film - as we're all together, and as you will read below, the locations are set on campus.

We'll be using the dark room at Sutton coldfield design centre. The other hopefully our media room, as an interview room and a college corridor to shoot the close up shots and long shot of the dead tortured body.

We will aim to shoot the dark room scene on Wednesday 20th January at around 1.45 pm and aim to finish it that day.

We hope to shoot the interviewing scenes Monday 25th of January and finish by the week of February 1st.

We ended up finishing our final scene on Monday 8th February. This was the dark room scene that we ended up deciding to shoot it last

The interview room will be in our classroom - LGM04.
The dark room will be in the Art Center near college.

UPDATED *Where and When*
We shot the scenes where we planned to, however, the planning to shoot them in our lesson time back-fired, due to the fact that our (original) actors were all from our media class. Yet obviously, we had to consider that they had their own work to focus on, therefore, making time to film our product was a real struggle.



Lauren Ralph: (Main character) Lauren is a popular teenage girl that attends Sutton Coldfield College. Lauren is very pretty, she lives at home with her mum, dad and brother and enjoys being the envy of every girl and desire of every boy. It makes it even harder for people to not feel jealous of her as she isn't your average popular, dopey girl... there was much more to her than that, she was also very sophisticated and intelligent. If there was something that she wanted then she knew what to do to get it - by either using her brains or her beauty. She was loved by few, hated by many!

Karl: (Lauren's Obsessive Stalker) Karl has had a huge crush (which would be an understatement) on Lauren ever since they were 4 years old and in the same class at primary school. He is very emotional in general, and with Lauren, he becomes his most shy and fulfills the stereotype of the "little school kid crush". When Lauren's name is mentioned in a conversation, he is also very protective over her. Karl thinks that Lauren's friends and especially her ex-boyfriend don't and didn't deserve her. Therefore, if Karl can't have her and love her as his own, then no one can.

Kimberly: (Lauren's Best friend) Kimberly and Lauren have been best friends since they were in nursery and maintained that friendship right until college. They went everywhere together, they were inseparable, yet - Kim was always know as, just the friend of "the perfect" Lauren. Students in college would always say that Kim was secretly jealous of Lauren - yet, this was just rumours. However, a photo of Lauren, with Kimberly's crush was posted through Kim's door. This would have obviously angered Kim, but could that have been the final straw for Kim?

Samantha: (Lauren's arch-nemesis) Lauren and Samantha have hated each other ever since they could remember. The girls' equal amount of hatred towards each other was evident to everybody. The day before Lauren was murdered, Samantha and Lauren were seen arguing (as usual), this just reinforced the fact that the girls despised one and other. However, Sam was heard threatening Lauren, after their fight - 'I'm going to kill her if its the last thing i do!' But would Samantha really fulfil this statement of hers?

Duncan: (Lauren's ex boyfriend) They were together for 6 months - which was more than enough time for him to see just how many frenemies Lauren had. He understood that she was quite harsh and vindictive at times, and in those 6 months of being with this beautiful girl that seemed to have everything any girl could ever desire - she played with many boys emotions using her beauty over her brains.

Officer Joel: (Police officer assigned to case) Joel was a young and very dedicated police man, who took his job seriously. He, for some unknown reason took this case and gave it his up most attention. He puts as side his own personal life and becomes obsessed almost in Lauren and her tragic murder.