Friday 26 February 2010

Today was the due day...

... and unfortunately we had to make the decision of handed in an unfinished product, or try and make it the best as we possibly can and accepting that a few points will be deducted if we hand it in late - we went for the latter of the two options.

We simply need to add the soundtrack and throw in a few effects - that can't take too long can it?

We'll keep you updated. =)

Editing - our journey...


We used a programme called Final Cut Pro.
it was incredibly hard to understand, to technical for had two computer screens per computer. After Paula taught us some basics, we understood it a lot better. The first thing that we edited were Star Wars clips, which was AMAZING - as i LOVE Star Wars! We had to make a trailer. I believed our final Star Wars trailor was actually brilliant!

For editing our opening scene, we had to insert the tapes into a machine at the side of the computer, which was where the microphones were plugged into too. And watch it on the TV screne, then we had to capture the shots we wanted to use for editing, then edit those.

We had to render everything shot by shot, effect by effect etc, when pasting our videos on the timeline. So i come up with a little saying, as the rendering was genuinely rather frustrating, which the girls loved 'Lets Render This Bad Boy'.

Friday 19 February 2010


Well, we've finally recorded everything... Have we eddited everything perfectly? The unfortunate answer to that is "no"... However, in our defence problems occured throughout this Media Journey.

However, i've been doing some thinking about song choices for the background noise... and after doing some research on Thriller opening scenes and non diagetic music, i thought about songs by Muse, as they have that eerie feel, "Plug in Baby - by Muse" or even, songs by "Korn" like, "Freak on a leash". The instrumental version of songs like these would fit the whole Thriller genre.

Also, Armannee has brought to my attention that "Russian Roulette" by "Rihanna" may be a good choice of song... however, my computer wont allow me to download any of these songs (so there's yet another misshap in our development)


Another Update:
Well, still keeping on the subject of music, i finally decided that Muse - Plug in Baby would match and have the right feel for our thriller. However, the computers we use for editing will not allow my MP3player to send it any files... i'm not sure why, but it's quite frustrating to deal with.


I think the final decision is to put Muse - Time is running out as the non diagetic sound, the other Muse song was too heavy... it wasn't as smooth as i invisioned.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Updated Update - filming and cast

Right, so now we finally have shot everything, yes, i understand the deadline we were given is tomorrow - however, things didn't go quite as smoothly as planned (as explained in "Update! on filming)

I had to come in at 7.30am today with my mate to shoot the last crucial scenes! Unfortunately, my other group members were unable to make it in, yet my mate and I managed to cope. I definitely underestimated how stressful and time consuming Media Studies would be - but, now i genuinely understand that, time management is a HUGE part of media.

I had to line the floors with bin bags, which, yes looks low budget (at the extreme). But i'd rather that, than to get kicked out of college - no matter how dedicated i am.

We had to change around the cast at the last minute also, this was yet another obstacle we had to climb over in order to get the finished product.

Armannee's sister played - Samantha
Charlotte (from media) played - Kimberly
J.T (also from our media class) played - Duncan
Matt played (his original part) as - Officer Joel
Karlos played (his original part) as - Karl
finally...... I (reluctantly) played the character of - Lauren Ralph